Monday, January 28, 2008

Reach Out to "The Lost Boys"

I was asked to attend a special presentation of "The Lost Boys" and I accepted. Little did I know what I would hear that evening as I sat in amazement at what this young man had gone through in his life! We as Americans are so blessed and we don't even realize how other people in this world live or what they have to go through to survive.
As this young man spoke of the terror that his young eyes has seen I was genuinely touch and knew at that very moment that I must do what I could to help this young man's cause.

So, I have chosen to give 10% of each sale I make on my handmade jewelry at in support of a very worthy charity called "The Lost Boys." These young men were caught in the middle of the fighting in Sudan, Africa, parents were killed and these brave young boys had to run to escape certain death; eventually some of them were able to be placed in America as refugees. If you'd like to learn more about "The Lost Boys", check out their website:

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I think it's wonderful that you're going to give a percentage of your sales to the lost boys.